sex death swimming
So, I drove for 10.5 hours to bring my parents, both 84 and my son 15 to Cape Cod. We hit traffic outside of Connecticut and it lasted bumper-to-bumper until we arrived, nine hours or so. They are in state of being eighty-four and dealing with it completely differently, my mother by trying to remain completely active and defying her age, my father sinking into a continuous, seamless funk. I gave him a PD James novel to read and I believe he's read the same five pages 65 times. She constantly refuses help and that is inspiring but also very scary.
Yesterday I swam six times and prayed my ass off. Yes, prayed. My son is this amazing guy but there is a limit to how much boredom punctuated with elder craziness anyone can tolerate. Before we left New jersey I had this amazing lunch with my ex-roommate from College, a woman I hadn't seen in over 30 years. Her son died of leukemia about ten years ago and Lisa has suffered a huge amount. When we lived together at Rutgers she was a total Jewish-American princess. She moved into our place with 50 frozen steak dinners and she woke up 2 hours before her classes to blow dry her hair and put on makeup. We were very different. Her mother was determined she marry a Jewish doctor while I was dating this Jewish would-be poet whose mother despised me especially after I gave her bread for Seder. Who knew?
Anyway, after Lisa's son died his father (a doctor) wanted to move forward and deny what happened while she knew she had to get help and do something. Their marriage fell apart. She's like the strongest person now, someone whose suffering changed them profoundly. She lent me this memoir written by this guy we both knew. Marty was my boyfriend's roommate and he had a total nervous breakdown apparently inspired by his falling madly in love with Lisa even though she had a boyfriend and barely knew him. I appear as a loud, pretentious person whose always having sex with his roommate. It's an insane version of the whole thing but his worship of Lisa is unbelievably intense. Honestly, the whole thing is pretty nuts but it brought me back to when we were all living this dramatic soap opera with tons of sex and no money and a constant sense that our lives were about to change completely.
I don't know what any of this means.
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